Location: Hong Kong
Client: Hong Kong Lands Department
This study was commissioned by the Government of Hong Kong in response to projections of housing demands for the SAR arising from the Territory Development Strategy Review.
In the face of significant shortage of available housing land in the medium term, potential Strategic Growth Areas (SGA) were identified through an assessment of major constraints and opportunities for urban development. The main constraints related to topography, existing capacity of the infrastructure development and ecological value. The main opportunities arose from the proposed development of major transport infrastructure in the study area.
The Hung Shui Kiu SGA was identified in 1997 when the Committee on Planning and Land Development (CPLD) decided that a location at Hung Shui Kiu was suitable for development to meet the housing needs of a projected population growth of 100,000 people in the North West New Territories by the year 2009 and 200,000 people by 2014 and beyond.
I participated as staff of Chesterton Petty Ltd. (Hong Kong) and was responsible for design and operation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for land costs and development constraints assessments